Looking for the Best Home Business Opportunity?

Thorvie International Makes It Easy to Be Your Own Boss

If you are looking for the best home business opportunity, Thorvie International is your best choice. The planer blade sharpening machine manufacturer is known for offering the finest tool sharpening equipment and business tools to entrepreneurs who want a sound investment in their future.

“Since 1977, we’ve partnered with people all over the world who want to run a successful home-based business,” says Ken Frea, president of Thorvie International. “With a product line of more than 40 unique fixtures and 9 grinding machines, and exports to Europe, South America, Asia and beyond, we are excited to offer people a solid opportunity to work from home and be their own boss while earning an excellent salary.”

av-40 complete saw sharpening machineTo get started owning your own business, purchase the AV-40 Deluxe Grinder package. With quality construction made in the United States, the AV-40 is one of the easiest and fastest machines to learn how to set up and operate. It also takes up minimal bench space. It sharpens saw blades, face, top and side grinds and it will sharpen many different cutting tools such as raised panel cutters and profile cutters, anti-kickback router bits and shaper cutters without motor interference. Apply for business or consumer financing for low monthly payments, making it easier than ever to start your business.

In addition to the AV-40, Thorvie offers a number of other pieces of equipment including a planer blade sharpening machine, a clipper blade honing machine, grinders, scissors sharpeners and more. When you purchase equipment from Thorvie International, you are also provided with the business tools you need to be successful in your venture. That includes sales techniques, tips and tricks to make the most of your equipment, written instructions and training videos, names of companies for which you can be a distributor of new tooling, and much more.

Rick’s Tip

Customer Service – Job one.

Having your own home business can be very rewarding. You can set your own schedule and decide when to call customers. Customer interaction is very important to your success. When you return a customer’s blades, ask when they expect to use them and then give them a follow-up call a few days later. Make sure your work meets their standards. If not, be sure to resolve the problem. If they were happy with your work, ask if they have additional items they need sharpened. This will make them feel secure knowing you care about their needs and the reputation of your work. Word of mouth is one of the best advertisements for a local business. Positive customer interaction goes a long way to ensuring they tell other people how they were treated and how satisfied they were with your services. An unhappy customer is no longer a customer; he is just bad advertising. So keep your customers happy.

For more information on the best home business opportunity for you, or how to buy a planer blade sharpening machine and other tool sharpening equipment, call Thorvie International at 866-497-0572 or visit the website at www.thorvie.com.