The AV-36 clipper blade accessory package allows you to sharpen the clipper blades with the newest technology along with the ability to adjust and test each set of blades. Make sure your customers will be 100% satisfied. With this accessory package you will use less honing compound when sharpening clipper blades and extend the AV-36 honing plate life.
The clipper blade accessory package includes:
- 8oz plate cleaner–Helps clean off old honing compound and sharpening residue from the honing plate.
- 8oz charging solution–Using a small amount of charging solution with the honing compound allows the honing compound to really stick into the surface grooves in the honing plate. The charging solution will also increase the number of clipper blades you are able to sharpen before you have to re-apply more honing compound to the plate.
- Grit applicator pad–Helps press the honing compound into the surface grooves consistent and evenly across the entire honing plate.
- Button magnet–Allows you to hold and control the clipper blade better in the sharpening application with keeping your finger clear from the rotating honing plate.
- Socket adjusting tool–Helps re-align the socket and ears of the socket back to the factory settings so there is no play in the socket and clipper head eliminating vibrations.
- Test fur–22″ x 10″ piece of test fur to ensure the clipper blade will cut to your customers satisfaction.
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