If you want the right point for the job the XT-3000 is for you. It sharpens a wide variety of sizes and styles of drills and other tools with ease and accuracy. Imagine, for the price of a couple hundred drills, you can sharpen in house for only pennies a drill. Using our patented chuck/cam design allows anyone to be a sharpening expert with a few minutes of instruction. A rock solid heavy duty machine capable of sharpening all day, everyday. Attachments can be interchanged in seconds and all adjustments can be made without tools.
XT-3000 Base Unit Specifications:
- Acceptable drill diameter: 3mm (.118, 1/8inch) – 21 mm (.826, 13/16 inch)
- Acceptable drill length: Unlimited maximum, two inch minimum.
- Adjustable point angle range: 118° – 150°
- 2 Chucks – Meets or exceeds National Aerospace Standards for lip height variation.
- Motor – Emerson ¼ hp – 3450 rpm – Rated continuous duty
- Weight – 60 lbs.
- 2 wheels in machine – a sharpening wheel and a point split wheel. CBN or diamond wheels available.
- No tools necessary for any adjustments on machine or attachments
- Vacuum port and grit tray
- EZ adjustable split depth and split angle
- Adjustable point splitting
- Adjustable point relief
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