Thorvie Saw & Tool Sharpening Packages

We know it can be tough starting a business, we’ve been there.  That’s why we offer tool sharpening machine packages to set you up for success.  We have recently added two sharpening packages and made a few updates to the existing one.   Whether you are a seasoned sharpener or are just starting out, we have something for you.

saw blade and tool sharpening package

AV-40 Saw Sharpening Machine Start-Up Package is newly updated.  If you are new to the sharpening industry, this package will set you up for success.  It provides you with the essentials that you need to service several industries.  The AV-40 sharpening system is one of the easiest and fastest machines to learn how to set up and operate.  It can save you set-up time, shop space and overhead as compared to other sharpening systems.


saw blade sharpening equipment

New to our product line is the AV-40 Saw Sharpening Machine Complete Package.  We designed this package for new business owners who wants to be able to offer more with their sharpening service right off the bat.  It includes everything listed in the AV-40 start-up package but also includes fixtures to sharpen lawn mower blades, holes saws, re-tipping saw blades and more.


AV-40 sharpening machineThe addition of the AV-40 Sharpening Machine is for the established sharpener and is meant to serve as an upgrade to various older sharpening systems such as Foley-Belsaw models or a US-550 Pro Sharpener.  The Thorvie saddle assembly can reduce setup time by 25% or more compared to other saw blade sharpening machines.


Thorvie can customize any order if these packages don’t meet your specific needs.  We have an onsite engineering team that can design and build custom fixtures or machines for specialty blades.  Please contact us at [email protected] or 866-497-0572 for tool sharpening inquiries.

Rick’s Tip

I get a lot of calls on sharpening self feed auger drill bits.  These bits have a couple different styles to them.  Some have just a single cutting edge at the bottom of the self feed auger tip.  This style I will sharpen with the mason drill bit fixture.  Especially if you have a couple bits to sharpen.  The mason drill bit fixture has a front stop so each bit you sharpen, you can set the stop when switching out the bits saving set up time.  If there is enough clearance from the top of the cutting edge into the side spiral flute, then you can sharpen the top of the cutting edge.  If the side spiral flute is right up to the cutting edge then you may have to sharpen the bottom side of the cutting edge.  Either way as long as you create a burr and new cutting edge, the bit with cut just fine.

Another style to these bits will have a single cutter although the side spiral flute will have a raise side cutter as well.  With this style the side cutter gets in the way to use a tool sharpening fixture.  There are a couple ways to sharpen these and it just depends on what works best for you.  Some people will use a dremel with a flat stone wheel to sharpen the main cutter along with the side cutter.  If the cutting edge is in good shape and not chipped up, then you can use a flat file as well.