Below are some of the FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) we receive most often. If you wish to further discuss any of these questions you can contact our sales and service department by clicking here.

Q: How much money can I expect to make in the sharpening business?

You should be able to make up to $50 to $100 an hour. As you gain experience and regular customers, you will be able to batch similar types of work to reduce set-up time and improve your productivity. By doing so, you can make even more money. Of course, the amount of time and effort you devote to your business will affect the amount you make. Some shops make as little as $10,000 a year while others bring in more than $150,000.

Q: How much profit is there?

In most cases 90 cents of every dollar you take in will be profit.

Q: How do I find out about how much to charge?

The operating instructions you receive with your equipment provide pricing guidelines based on national averages. You can adjust your charge up or down to fit your local market.

Q: How do I get business? 

There are many ways to get business. Because of the quality of work you produce, you can rely on “word-of-mouth” advertising once you get started. We also provide sales techniques and customer leads information with our equipment.

Q: Where are your machines made?

All of our Thorvie AV products are made in the USA, right here in Wisconsin. We make and manufacture all of our parts, assemble the machines, package and ship them in house. Our motors are also U.S. motors.

Q: Now, what about replacement parts and supplies? 

Replacement parts and supplies are available for immediate shipment – direct from Thorvie International.

Q: But can I rely on Thorvie International?

Absolutely! We’ve been in business since 1977, and even in today’s difficult business climate, Thorvie International continues to be a financially strong and stable company dedicated to helping small, independent business people.

Q: If I want, can I have a full-time career with my Full Service Sharpening Shop?

Certainly. You can have about as much or as little business as you want. We have many customers who started part time with the idea of making a few extra dollars to add to their regular earnings. They soon found they had plenty of business to operate on a full-time basis. So they quit their regular jobs and now report better earnings, more freedom and no more worry about layoffs or working for someone.

Q: Can a woman succeed in a Full Service Sharpening Shop?

YES. We have full-time and part-time women Shop operators. We also have many husband-wife teams among our customers.

Q; How about an older person? 

Many retired men operate Sharpening Shops. They set their own hours and come and go as they please. The Shop gives them something to do and gets them out and about meeting new people and making new friends not to mention making extra cash to supplement Social Security and pensions. There are even people who will start this in their mid to late 60’s.

Q: Can a handicapped person make a living operating a Full Service Sharpening Shop?

YES. As a matter of fact, some of our shop operators are handicapped. Of course, the nature and degree of a person’s disability is important. The equipment can be operated from a chair if necessary. At times we have even modified our sharpening machines to accommodate certain situations.

Q: Do I need any previous sharpening or mechanical experience?

NO. The AV-40 comes with simple, easy-to-understand operating instructions and training DVD’s. You will be able to quickly master the basic set-ups and be in business. If you need assistance, you can call our toll free number. A factory-trained expert will help you with any problem you may have in operating the equipment.

Q: Can I set up the equipment in a van and have a mobile Shop? 

YES, if you prefer. All you need is access to 11O-volt A.C. to operate the motors on the equipment. We have some very successful Sharpening Shops that operate “on wheels”.

Q: How much space do 1 need? 

Many Shops are in the corner of a ” basement, or garage. A 10-foot by 10-foot area is more than adequate.

Q: What if I get a tool I don’t know how to sharpen?

You can always call one of the experts in our Service Department at the toll-free number. We help you and answer your questions at the time you call.

Q: Do I need to rent a shop or store?

Only if you want to, as we said, your sharpening equipment can be set up in your basement, garage or even in your van.


If you have any further questions, please call Thorvie International’s support number at 866-497-0572 and you can speak directly with one of our expert sharpeners.